Caution!!: On android5.0, UI may fails.Please comment whether working good or NG,if you have android5.0 device.
This application locks touch panel temporarily to prevent unintentional touch operation.This application dose not prevent display of other application.Only blocks touch event.
My baby often touch my android device when I show him videos for babies, and then video player sometimes stop playing movie.Therefore I developed this application.
Execute this application and touch this application's icon on notification area makes touch panel locked except system area.
-Automatic Unlocking Function(Option)
- When receive incoming voice all(The permission"read phone status and identity" is required to accomplish this function)
- When unplug charger(this is failsafe in case of unlocking operation is unsuccessful)
- 5 minutes after screen off.
There is a case which locking touch panel is impossible when some full screen application is running.In such case, please try proximity sensor lock option.
Settings UI is displayed when you execute this app.
Start touchguard service from settings UI, and you can do locking operation from nortification area by touching this app's icon.
Unlocking operation is assigned to long press of unlock key(default volume down key).
From 1.3.0 version, full lock option is supported.This option fully guard all area of touch panel including soft key and status bar/notification area.Unlocking operation can only be executed via hardware key.I recommend you to set volume down key as unlocking key.
- 自动解锁功能(选项)
- 当接收传入的声音所有(的权限“读取手机状态和身份”才能实现此功能)
- 当拔出充电器(这是故障保险在解锁操作的情况下,不成功)
- 屏幕关闭5分钟后。